
Home> Pain Relief> Reliefly Natural Knee Patches

How I Went From Living on Painkillers To Alleviating My Neck Pain With This Alternative Solution

By Ralph Johnsonn| May 24, 2024 | 11:11 am EDT

Every night, I wake up to throbbing neck pain.

Every night, I grab the painkillers from a nightstand and wash them with a glass of water…

And then I wait…

I wait until the medicine kicks in…

And by that time, I’m fully awake and can’t get back to sleep.

So I lay there and think.

I think about how it’s unfair my life has become as dull as my chronic neck pain.

For the Past 7 Years, My Chronic Pain Made My Life a Nightmare.

I had to stop going to the gym with my brother, Roger.

We managed to get in shape, but now he goes alone.

For all the chores around the house, my wife Louise counted on me...

Yet today, if I try to lift a shopping bag, I need help.

Any activity that required raising my hands above my head is painful.

And the worst thing….

Louise and I have always dreamed of a big, beautiful house for our family.

You know, kind of everyone's dream.

By working hard, and making lots of sacrifices we would finally be able to have a beautiful home for our family.

The two of us together


My Tearing Pain Killed This Dream On The Spot

Not long ago Louise and I celebrated our anniversary.

We wanted to give the deposit for our house.

We'd pay the mortgage payments by working together and we'd be able to keep our kids happy.

However…we had to cancel the plan because of me.

I had almost stopped working,

even sitting at the desk was impossible.

The pain was unbearable.

I tried everything to eliminate the pain. I was desperate.

I went to the chiropractor twice a week.

Physiotherapy massages every week.

I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. 

Tried acupuncture and all the stretching and yoga exercises under the sun. Nothing Worked

I felt like a burden to Louise...

One evening, when we were in bed, she told me about her friend who knew this doctor in Philadelphia.

Dr. Adam was the best physiatrist doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.

I agreed to go, but deep down, I was afraid my only option would be to get used to a life of pain and waivers.

“There is a Solution, and a Very Simple One”

These were the exact words Dr. Adam told us.

What a relief!

He assured me there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate my chronic pain within the next 14 days.

“Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

For The First Time In a Long Time, I Felt Hopeful.

“Let me show you something,” Dr. Adam continued.

He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a weird-looking device.

“I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment.

However, first, you must understand why you have pain in your upper body.

Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table.

I’m different. I want you to know your own body. So let’s take a look.”

It turns out that the real reason for your pain has to do with the muscles of the trapezius.

Whenever we have pain between the shoulders, stiff neck, head, or back pain, we never think that it has something to do.

But it is responsible for posture and upper body movements and, with time, the stress we put on it compounds.

When we hunch over our desks, stare at screens, have a bad posture or even carry the weight of daily life, these muscles tighten and tighten, until all the stress creates knots of tension, called Trigger Points.

These trigger points can radiate pain, tension, and discomfort throughout your upper body, affecting your daily life and well-being.

Here's where it gets tricky

Your trigger points will not go away on their own; rather, they only get worse over time.

The most suggested medical solutions are:

-Become addicted to painkillers

-Undergo a surgery with no guarantees.

However, we both know ... sooner or later the side effects of painkillers will come to a head and it is always wise to avoid surgery.

That is why Dr. Adam has created a product that helps stop the pain.

It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free.

He finished the product development just recently. He worked in partnership with one US-based startup called RelieflyLab.

They call it Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher.

The secrete to the breakthrough Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher is a unique use of body pressure technique

Thank to knobs situated in specific places, this stretcher can put pressure on the trigger points present in your trapezius and since the force used is your body weight the relief is automatic.

Simply put, since the knobs on the device lose your trigger points using your body weight, you stop the pressure as soon as you get relief.

This restores the natural muscular balance in your upper body, allowing you to be active and pain-free again.

Your pain is replaced with a feeling of bliss and relief.

The use of this device will allow you to return to daily chores, gym, work, and drive completely free of pain.

What’s more, Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher is extremely easy to use. All you do is lay on it and wait for the trigger points to melt away

I got 2 of them - 1 for me and one for Louise

Now, I didn’t expect quick results. It took me years to develop this pain…

I knew it would take at least a few months to regain my old body.

However, to my surprise

Years of Pain, Embarrassment and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days

I can’t describe the relief I felt when I first used the Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher on my burning trigger points.

And by the second week, my back felt so much better.

I could easily lift light weights.

Working at a desk didn't hurt at all,

And the best of all….I could finally sleep through the night!

I’m back to the gym with Roger twice a week.

And I'm always there to help Louise with chores around the house.

I feel this Stretcher turned back time by at least 10 years.

I told all my friends about it.

And I am sharing this with you.


It’s Like Having a Personal Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Acupuncturist In Your Home, Available 24/7….without the price tag

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…

Instead, every time I feel the slightest twinge or discomfort in my upper body…

I lay on the Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher, relax for 10 minutes, and the discomfort is gone…

After just 10 minutes of rest and bliss, I return to my chores and everyday living.

If it weren’t for the stretcher, I’d have to become painkillers addicted or go for surgery.

And you know how dangerous that is…

There are so many complications…

Months of therapy…

And I won’t even mention the cost.

Instead, Louise and I plan to move to our new home in 3 months.

And rest assured, Reliefly Stretcher is coming with us.

Because this little "lobster" almost saved my life.

I wake up excited for the day.

I have more energy than I know what to do with.

I can work for hours! No pain!

That's why I can’t recommend this stretcher enough. It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.

Over 95% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief...

However, don’t take my word for it…. Check out Reliefly's Website, You'll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. Yet, at the last moment, they tried Reliefly and never looked back.

To read more reviews and order your stretcher, visit the website here.

You Don’t Deserve To Live a Life Filled With Discomfort And Pain!

By the way, you don’t have to say yes to the stretcher just now.

All I’m suggesting is you give it a try. Try it on their dime. Try it for just 90 days…

And if you don’t feel your pain disappearing within 90 days or sooner… You’ll get every penny back.

Just think about it…

A 10-session with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost close to $1000…

A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.

Plus, don’t forget the hundreds of dollars you spend on prescription medications every month…

Yet none of them will ever give you such a guarantee.

What an expensive gamble!

However, here’s Reliefly’s promise:

If you use this Reliefly stretcher for the following 90 days for JUST 10 minutes a day!

It WILL get rid of pain, and it WILL allow you to live your life to the fullest again.

Check Availability >>

Think about how great it’ll feel to move without pain again.

To play with your children…

To spend time with your family…

And create memories with friends…

Reliefly gives you this gift of life. It’s yours for the taking.

And if not?

… If not, you will receive a 100% refund of every penny you invested.

If your stabbing pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief.

They will return 100 percent of your purchase price, no questions asked.

Simply email them at

The way I look at it, there is nothing to lose.

Check Availability >>
  • avatar

    Wilma Devon

    Can anybody vouch for this?

    Reply 1 26m
    • avatar

      Mary Vernon

      Hey...This Trapezius Stretcher is fantastico! My neck constantly aches. This trapezius stretcher has taken care of that. This past year I have had severe neck pain, and this trapezius stretcher works awesome. Hopefully, it will help you too.

      Reply 1 26m
    • avatar

      Doris Skylar

      I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair.

      Reply 1 26m
      • avatar

        Skyler Greig

        How long does shipping take??

        Reply 1 26m
        • avatar

          Marie Campbell

          Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

          Reply 1 26m
        • avatar

          Leonard Boyd

          Bought this for my wife, who has been struggling with neck and back pain due to a previous injury. In only a couple of days, she's feeling much better and experiencing significant relief.

          Reply 1 26m
          • avatar

            Emma Emerson

            Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions.

            Reply 1 26m
            • avatar

              Debra Peyton

              Should have bought it earlier. It's so nice to have the Trapezius Stretcher during my activities, especially when working on laptop relaxing. I will use it every day before going to sleep.

              Reply 1 26m
              • avatar

                Sarah Dudley

                I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This Trapezius Stretcher is worth it. I recently had a neck injury (Jan 2022) after the treatment, it was a success but my neck, however, was in severe pain due to nerve damage, but this helped me out a lot. My neck is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.

                Reply 1 26m

                MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

                If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

                Apply Discount & Check Availability


                Home> Trending> Best Orthopaedic Shoes

                Finally, Relieve Your Foot Pain for GOOD With These Revolutionary New "Miracle Shoes"

                By Susan Hodson | Sep 27, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

                Over 100.500+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5-Star Reviews & Counting!

                "Your feet will thank you - feels even better than I expected..."

                Do you struggle with foot pain?

                Are the activities you used to like doing feel impossible to do now? or perhaps just day-to-day tasks around the house?

                I have experienced some form of foot pain for the majority of my life, and it is now starting to affect my quality of life and marriage. My husband is seeing my frustration and trying his best to be positive.

                Chronic foot discomfort is an issue that can't be ignored, but not simply because it's impossible to ignore the pain. It can range from painful bunions and hammertoes to plantar fasciitis.

                If you ignore the serious issues you face with your foot pain, the effects will only get worse with time. Foot discomfort can also be a sign of this.

                After all, your feet are composed of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 120 muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Together, they serve as the foundation of your body.

                Your entire body will collapse if that foundation is in pain or breaks. Poor posture, which appears as back, hip, and neck pain, is caused by tight or immovable feet.

                Does this scare you?

                For the first time, you are able to permanently end your foot pain and also enjoy 100% natural relief. And it's all because of a brand-new invention called ComfortWearUnfortunately, popular treatments for constant foot pain are expensive, and have a low chance of success:

                - Surgical solutions - such as a plantar fascia release, can be costly, hazardous, and take 6 to 9 months to heal.

                - Custom orthotics - appear lovely, but they require costly visits to the podiatrist.

                None of these solutions provide a simple method of treating the real, underlying cause of foot pain. They provide temporary relief, but with time, day-to-day activities will make the discomfort worse than ever.

                WITHOUT foot pain, wouldn't you be able to appreciate all of life's beautiful moments so much more?

                Well, after countless trials and errors, we've finally found an orthopedic shoe that is making a difference in people's lives and relieving foot pain.

                For the first time, you are able to relieve your foot pain and also enjoy 100% natural relief. And it's all because of a brand new invention called JustyShoes

                How Do These Orthopedic Shoes Relieve My Foot Pain?

                JustyShoes is the world's first affordable orthopedic shoe made for the mass market.

                Without surgery, medication, or orthotics, these shoes reduce your foot's impact in each step, which improves circulation, lowers swelling, and lessens chronic foot discomfort over time.

                JustyShoes feature a design with an Ortho-Wear technology that use innovative insoles to provide proper cushion and arch support, leading to improved strength and dexterity.

                By straightening and realigning every step, these shoes will strengthen your foot, improve posture, and improve the general health of your foot.

                Anyone with foot pain can benefit from JustyShoes, and they're particularly helpful for easing foot pain brought on by:

                - Plantar fasciitis

                - Hammertoes

                - Bunions

                - Bursitis

                - Tendinitis

                - Arthritis

                - Diabetes

                Basically, if you feet are in pain, JustyShoes can help!

                "The first time I slipped these shoes on....INSTANT pain relief."

                What Makes JustyShoes So Great at Relieving Foot Pain?

                JustyShoes will help strengthen your feet with their insole, and gently realign your feet's muscles, bones, and ligaments. They do all the work for you.

                That means JustyShoes is NOT a temporary remedy or a strategy to avoid dealing with the root of the problem by masking the discomfort (like painkillers and insoles do).

                Instead, they're intended to permanently eliminate your foot pain, and based on the positive testimonials and advice from Podiatrists, medical professionals, and even yoga instructors, they obviously work!

                If You Spend All Day On Your Feet, You Have to Try JustyShoes

                8 out of 10 of Britains report having foot pain. I was one of them.

                You must try ComfortWear if you have a manual job or are on your feet all day. Don't waste your life in severe agony for decades like I did.

                JustyShoes shoes are currently available with a 45-day risk-free trial. Simply send them back if you don't like them (which you will). No harm was done.I cannot wait to start spending my days playing golf, going for walks with my husband, and spending time with my grandchildren once I retire.

                As Seen In

                Workers in all industries have switched to these shoes, and people who walk for fun swear by them

                "These shoes changed my life!! I love walking dogs and most days I walk 10-15 miles. Lately, I ran into some bunions pain and my girlfriend recommended JustyShoes shoes. They fit like a glove and within 1 day, the soreness and pain was relieved. With these shoes, I feel so comfortable, and I can no longer go outside without them. I'll be walking an extra 5 miles for the cloud-like feeling :)" - Lauren M

                These shoes started to get attention from healthcare workers first. Word got out that there are shoes that can last you an entire 12 hour shift, with little to no foot pain. But soon after, everyone who spends many hours standing or walking started to catch on and realized that they could use these shoes to be more active and productive.

                Today, dog walkers, restaurant workers, healthcare workers, cleaning ladies, janitors, construction workers, teachers, and many more are getting through their long 10-12 hour shifts with ease.

                "I have flat feet, planter fasciitis (on both feet) and work as a waitress. I work around 50-55 hours a week when we are short staffed (most weeks) on my feet. I am ALWAYS walking, standing or even running around. I needed something that wouldn't wear out so fast and were dark colored. These shoes have been GREAT. I got the Black Purple color and they give me the best arch support than any other shoe I have ever tried. I will definitely be buying more pairs for my day-to-day activities! - Jade R.

                They're perfect for people with flat feet and overpronation

                People with flat feet usually roll their foot inwards which can create discomfort and strain in joints and tendons. Long term, this may cause some serious issues if not treated properly. Due to this reason, proper arch support is IMPORTANT.

                Justy shoes provides the perfect balance and level of arch support based on orthotic research conducted by experts in the field. This will correct bad foot alignment caused by overpronation.

                Pain relief for ankle, knee, and lower back pain

                When the feet are not aligned, it can cause imbalances and strain in ankles, knees, or even lower back. This can cause some serious chronic pain. This affects most adults in their 40's. Arch support and a proper heel cup ensure correct foot alignment and helps reduce strain, which can remove joint tenderness.

                "I have a cleaning business where I stand or clean for 12-15 hours every day. Never in my life I had any foot or back pain until now. Buying these JustyShoes shoes has been a blessing. I bought 2 pairs and I have been rotating them. What an awesome product! They are simply awesome. - Karen L

                Generous return policy, but nobody returns them..

                With a less than 2% return rate, it's safe to safe Justy shoes are bringing real value to people's lives. Order half size up for a good fit and make that a 0% return rate.

                In fact, JustyShoes is so confident in their shoes, they offer an iron-clad 45-Day Wear Test Guarantee. Money back for anyone who doesn't find the pain relief they were seeking.

                See for yourself why JustyShoes is considered the UK's Most Comfortable Shoes. They stand by their products.

                Where can you buy these Justy Shoes? 

                Buying The Rainbow Shoes couldn't be easier! The only place you can buy REAL Justy shoes is on their website:

                Simply follow these steps:

                Step 1: Order your Orthopaedic Rainbow Shoes today to secure 50% OFF (while stock lasts).

                Step 2: Within 8-10 days, your shoes will arrive on your doorstep. Slip your painful feet into the shoes and give it a couple of days to let your feet get used to the shoes.

                Step 3:  Wear your Orthopaedic Rainbow Shoes all day for lasting relief, support, and improved recovery. Enjoy the cloud-like comfort.

                Helpful Hint: If you have a loved one suffering from foot pain, you can give them this as a gift. The gift of pain relief, mobility, and freedom. They also deserve feel like they're young again.

                Check Availability >>

                ***IMPORTANT UPDATE*** Since writing this article, JustyShoes advised us that demand has never been higher. Women with foot pain are sharing them on Social Media. Stock is running dangerously low and they may run out any day now. Be sure to claim your 50% discount without delay.

                Still on the fence?

                Imagine this: You WILL feel like you are 20 again.

                And you will get back to all the things you love doing. 

                And if not? 

                If not, you will receive 100% refund of every penny you paid.

                If you’re not absolutely thrilled with the results, JustyShoes doesn’t want your money. No hassles, no questions asked.

                If your stabbing pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief. They will return 100 percent of your purchase price.

                Simply email them at

                You have nothing to lose.

                Click the button below and check the availability.

                Home> Pain Relief> Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher

                How I Went From Living on Painkillers To Alleviating My Neck Pain With This Alternative Solution

                By Ralph Johnsonn| May 24, 2024 | 11:11 am EDT

                Every night, I wake up to throbbing neck pain.

                Every night, I grab the painkillers from a nightstand and wash them with a glass of water…

                And then I wait…

                I wait until the medicine kicks in…

                And by that time, I’m fully awake and can’t get back to sleep.

                So I lay there and think.

                I think about how it’s unfair my life has become as dull as my chronic neck pain.

                For the Past 7 Years, My Chronic Pain Made My Life a Nightmare.

                I had to stop going to the gym with my brother, Roger.

                We managed to get in shape, but now he goes alone.

                For all the chores around the house, my wife Louise counted on me...

                Yet today, if I try to lift a shopping bag, I need help.

                Any activity that required raising my hands above my head is painful.

                And the worst thing….

                Louise and I have always dreamed of a big, beautiful house for our family.

                You know, kind of everyone's dream.

                By working hard, and making lots of sacrifices we would finally be able to have a beautiful home for our family.

                The two of us together


                My Tearing Pain Killed This Dream On The Spot

                Not long ago Louise and I celebrated our anniversary.

                We wanted to give the deposit for our house.

                We'd pay the mortgage payments by working together and we'd be able to keep our kids happy.

                However…we had to cancel the plan because of me.

                I had almost stopped working,

                even sitting at the desk was impossible.

                The pain was unbearable.

                I tried everything to eliminate the pain. I was desperate.

                I went to the chiropractor twice a week.

                Physiotherapy massages every week.

                I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. 

                Tried acupuncture and all the stretching and yoga exercises under the sun. Nothing Worked

                I felt like a burden to Louise...

                One evening, when we were in bed, she told me about her friend who knew this doctor in Philadelphia.

                Dr. Adam was the best physiatrist doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.

                I agreed to go, but deep down, I was afraid my only option would be to get used to a life of pain and waivers.

                “There is a Solution, and a Very Simple One

                These were the exact words Dr. Adam told us.

                What a relief!

                He assured me there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate my chronic pain within the next 14 days.

                “Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

                For The First Time In a Long Time, I Felt Hopeful.

                “Let me show you something,” Dr. Adam continued.

                He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a weird-looking device.

                “I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment.

                However, first, you must understand why you have pain in your upper body.

                Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table.

                I’m different. I want you to know your own body. So let’s take a look.”

                It turns out that the real reason for your pain has to do with the muscles of the trapezius.

                Whenever we have pain between the shoulders, stiff neck, head, or back pain, we never think that it has something to do.

                But it is responsible for posture and upper body movements and, with time, the stress we put on it compounds.

                When we hunch over our desks, 

                stare at screens, have a bad posture

                or even carry the weight of daily life, these muscles tighten and tighten,

                until all the stress creates knots of tension, called Trigger Points.

                These trigger points can radiate pain, tension, and discomfort throughout your upper body, affecting our daily life and well-being.

                Here's where it gets tricky

                Your trigger points will not go away on their own; rather, they only get worse over time.

                The most suggested medical solutions are:

                -Become addicted to painkillers

                -Undergo a surgery with no guarantees.

                However, we both know ... sooner or later the side effects of painkillers will come to a head and it is always wise to avoid surgery.

                That is why Dr. Adam has created a product that helps stop the pain.

                It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free.

                He finished the product development just recently. He worked in partnership with one US-based startup called RelieflyLab.

                They call it Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher.

                The secrete to the breakthrough Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher is a unique use of body pressure technique

                Thank to knobs situated in specific places, this stretcher can put pressure on the trigger points present in your trapezius and since the force used is your body weight the relief is automatic.

                Simply put, since the knobs on the device lose your trigger points using your body weight, you stop the pressure as soon as you get relief.

                This restores the natural muscular balance in your upper body, allowing you to be active and pain-free again.

                Your pain is replaced with a feeling of bliss and relief.

                The use of this device will allow you to return to daily chores, gym, work, and drive completely free of pain.

                What’s more, Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher is extremely easy to use. All you do is lay on it and wait for the trigger points to melt away

                I got 2 of them - 1 for me and one for Louise

                Now, I didn’t expect quick results. It took me years to develop this pain…

                I knew it would take at least a few months to regain my old body.

                However, to my surprise

                Years of Pain, Embarrassment and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days

                I can’t describe the relief I felt when I first used the Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher on my burning trigger points.

                And by the second week, my back felt so much better.

                I could easily lift light weights.

                Working at a desk didn't hurt at all,

                And the best of all….I could finally sleep through the night!

                I’m back to the gym with Roger twice a week.

                And I'm always there to help Louise with chores around the house.

                I feel this Stretcher turned back time by at least 10 years.

                I told all my friends about it.

                And I am sharing this with you.


                It’s Like Having a Personal Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Acupuncturist In Your Home, Available 24/7….without the price tag

                You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…

                Instead, every time I feel the slightest twinge or discomfort in my upper body…

                I lay on the Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher, relax for 10 minutes, and the discomfort is gone…

                After just 10 minutes of rest and bliss, I return to my chores and everyday living.

                If it weren’t for the stretcher, I’d have to become painkillers addicted or go for surgery.

                And you know how dangerous that is…

                There are so many complications…

                Months of therapy…

                And I won’t even mention the cost.

                Instead, Louise and I plan to move to our new home in 3 months.

                And rest assured, Reliefly Stretcher is coming with us.

                Because this little "lobster" almost saved my life.

                I wake up excited for the day.

                I have more energy than I know what to do with.

                I can work for hours! No pain!

                That's why I can’t recommend this stretcher enough. It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.

                Over 95% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief...

                However, don’t take my word for it…. Check out Reliefly's Website, You'll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. Yet, at the last moment, they tried Reliefly and never looked back.

                To read more reviews and order your stretcher, visit the website here.

                You Don’t Deserve To Live a Life Filled With Discomfort And Pain!

                By the way, you don’t have to say yes to the stretcher just now.

                All I’m suggesting is you give it a try. Try it on their dime. Try it for just 90 days…

                And if you don’t feel your pain disappearing within 90 days or sooner… You’ll get every penny back.

                Just think about it…

                A 10-session with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost close to $1000…

                A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.

                Plus, don’t forget the hundreds of dollars you spend on prescription medications every month…

                Yet none of them will ever give you such a guarantee.

                What an expensive gamble!

                However, here’s Reliefly’s promise:

                If you use this Reliefly stretcher for the following 90 days for JUST 10 minutes a day!

                It WILL get rid of pain, and it WILL allow you to live your life to the fullest again.

                Check Availability >>

                Think about how great it’ll feel to move without pain again.

                To play with your children…

                To spend time with your family…

                And create memories with friends…

                Reliefly gives you this gift of life. It’s yours for the taking.

                And if not?

                … If not, you will receive a 100% refund of every penny you invested.

                If your stabbing pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief.

                They will return 100 percent of your purchase price, no questions asked.

                Simply email them at

                The way I look at it, there is nothing to lose.

                Check Availability >>
                • avatar

                  Wilma Devon

                  Can anybody vouch for this?

                  Reply 1 26m
                  • avatar

                    Mary Vernon

                    Hey...This Trapezius Stretcher is fantastico! My neck constantly aches. This trapezius stretcher has taken care of that. This past year I have had severe neck pain, and this trapezius stretcher works awesome. Hopefully, it will help you too.

                    Reply 1 26m
                  • avatar

                    Doris Skylar

                    I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair.

                    Reply 1 26m
                    • avatar

                      Skyler Greig

                      How long does shipping take??

                      Reply 1 26m
                      • avatar

                        Marie Campbell

                        Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

                        Reply 1 26m
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                        Leonard Boyd

                        Bought this for my wife, who has been struggling with neck and back pain due to a previous injury. In only a couple of days, she's feeling much better and experiencing significant relief.

                        Reply 1 26m
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                          Emma Emerson

                          Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions.

                          Reply 1 26m
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                            Debra Peyton

                            Should have bought it earlier. It's so nice to have the Trapezius Stretcher during my activities, especially when working on laptop relaxing. I will use it every day before going to sleep.

                            Reply 1 26m
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                              Sarah Dudley

                              I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This Trapezius Stretcher is worth it. I recently had a neck injury (Jan 2022) after the treatment, it was a success but my neck, however, was in severe pain due to nerve damage, but this helped me out a lot. My neck is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.

                              Reply 1 26m


                              4.8 | 21,897 Reviews

                              Reliefly Trapezius Stretcher

                              Natural pain relief

                              Stress relieving (sleep, feel and live better)

                              Your own in-home physical therapist

                              Instantly loosens trigger points

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                              MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

                              If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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